Pregnancy #2
It is always said that no pregnancy is the same, but I never expected for mine to differ like day and night…
Let’s start at the beginning….
With my first pregnancy I only had “all day sickness” for the first month, this time around it was up until 3 months. I just knew it was a girl this time around. Fast forward to about 6months pregnant and I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes. If you know me, you will know that my diet is pretty clean….
This diagnoses crushed my spirit in so many ways. I think being put on Metformin completely threw me off. I could not believe it, things did not make sense. These pills also made me extremely dizzy, gave me blurred vision and I easily fell asleep anywhere. I had to get a second opinion on these diagnoses. At this appointment my baby measured 3,2kgs at 34 weeks. She was considered big and I was booked for another c-section at 38 weeks.
I did my test fasted at my second doctor, my glucose levels read 1.8. This is extremely harmful. The medical staff intervened as I was in danger. They also measured baby again, this time 36weeks along. She only measured 2.6kgs. Long story short, I was misdiagnosed and went through this mental and spiritual battle all for nothing!
If you are reading this, if you feel in your spirit that the diagnoses doesn’t seem right, do not hesitate to get a second opinion.
Birth story
I went in to hospital prior to the morning of my c-section. I spent the day with lots of pricks to ensure I really was misdiagnosed, my new doctor could not believe I had to endure this battle and the discomfort that the medication caused. I was still clear, no gestational diabetes.
I was scheduled for 8am in theatre. The room was extremely cold and I could not control my shivers. The epidural was administered and I got fully prepared for my major operation by the amazingly chatty medical staff who explained everything that they are doing.
On the operation table…..
As I was laying there, unaware of the progress of my operation, I heard the most beautiful cry and this perfect little girl peeped from the top of the drape (cloth used to divide me and the operation space). Even my doctor said ” she is perfect, not even a birthmark”.
While my baby was examined, it was time for me to get closed up. During this time my epidural started to wear off and I could feel every prick, press, all of it! I tried to keep it together as I thought that we are almost done. When I told them my epidural is wearing off, I was administered anesthesia. That was terrible because, now I was unaware of what is going on around me. Regardless of all of this, the operation was successful.
In the recovery room…..
After my operation I went into the recovery room. I was still shivering and heat was applied in order for me to feel comfortable and finally hold my baby. It took quiet a while (about 2hours) for my shivering to subside. It was a combination of coldness and shock.
Holding my baby gave me so much joy. It made me forget about my ordeal for a little while.
We all have different stories to tell about birth, in the end what matters is that we get to hold the miracle God has placed on the inside of us.
You are strong my friend , thank God that he has brought you through this.